Thursday, January 17, 2019

Birth of a Logo

Who could resist when my beloved daughter asked if I could come up with a logo design to use for the upcoming school fundraiser. Same said daughter is the president of the elementary school foundation board.  And same said selfless person is the mother of my amazing grandson.  So, I did what any respectable mother and grandmother would do and said, I'll give it my best shot.

Daughter president had a basic idea for the logo.  She relayed it to me with a quick pencil sketch.  Then I mulled.  And mulled some more.  And finally put my own pencil to paper. That was Step 1.  I emailed the basic idea to beautiful daughter and she said, yes, I love that.  So, Step 2, a more refined drawing.  Then outlining in pen.  Followed by pulling the drawing into Adobe Photoshop for some real fun.  I love coloring inside the lines.  Just like we did as kids. But because I've grown up and understand most of the rules, I also know how to break them. So I did some coloring outside the lines as well.

There were a few more changes and edits along the way once the main design was completed. But all were fixed and changed easily enough.

Now the logo is being used on social media sites and flyers to advertise the amazing auction fundraiser coming up at the end of March.  So gratifying to be able to help in this way. Thanks for your confidence, Madam President. This Mom is so proud of you and all your volunteer efforts.

Rough Sketch

Refined drawing and outlined in black pen

Add some text...

...and some more text
Let the coloring fun begin!